My Sect
My Profession
Marital Status
Greater London
United Kingdom
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me

I am a Muslim convert living permanently in the UK. I've got two adult children and live with one of them.
I work part-time and like an active but at the same time tranquil way of life. Inner peace is very important.
I've been Muslim for 29 years, alhamdulillah.

I am a warm-hearted and optimistic person. I avoid talking ill about other people and rather say something good to cheer people up. I hate hurting other people's feelings. I've been told that I've got positive energy, alhamdulillah. I'm not materialistic, not someone who goes around shopping for fun. I don't have a TV as I hardly watch it. Many people have a TV addiction and watching it has become a ritual.

I like dancing (at home of course), and sometimes play violin. Dancing and music should not be in excess as they are a distraction if not kept in moderation. I listen to my soul and know when I need to stop, alhamdulilllah.

I love my deen and normally listen to some lecture every day to learn more or as a reminder. I especially love to learn about the lives of the companions of the Prophet (saw) I'd love to have more time for reading but at least every now and then manage to read something beneficial, alhamdulillah. I think that Islam should first and foremost manifest in the way we treat other people, creatures and our environment. We should treat other people in the way we want Allah (swt) to treat us.

I like talking things through if needed, as transparency is of an utmost importance in marriage. Open and proper communication is very important, and I always try to avoid arguments. I don't do drama, I've had my fair share of turbulence in this dunya.

Marriage is a great blessing from Allah (SWT), and I think once you enter it, you should work for it and put effort in it, as it is something precious: that is my intention, insha Allah.

I am looking after my physical health by exercising (but I'm not a fanatic) and trying to eat healthy food and not too often. What we eat should not only be halal but tayyip as well. I avoid foods with added sugar or seed oils. I enjoy cooking and baking from time to time.

I love nature and walking: the human being is designed to move, not to be sedentary. I especially love the sea and the water element in general, as it is so calming. I also like travelling - the most important journey to do would be hajj, insha Allah!

I have an interest in languages: I've been learning Swedish, German, French, Italian, Wollof, Arabic, Turkish... But don't expect me to speak them : )

I honour and appreciate all the four imams of Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama'a, myself inclining to and wanting to learn according to Maliki madhab. However, where ever beneficial knowledge is available, I don't mind the madhab, or if it is a Salafi scholar speaking. I detest bad-mouthing scholars.

My approach to Sufism: Tasawwuf is one of the sciences of Islam, and I think Islam without Tasawwuf is not real Islam anymore. However, there are many misguided "Sufis" nowadays. "Whoever says he is a Sufi, is not a Sufi."

I don't like argumentation in the matters of deen, and love what I learnt about Imam al-Shafi'i (R.A.), that if he was involved in a debate, he was hoping to lose the argument so that he could become more humble - Allahu akbar!

I look at the marriage as a close and secure companionship, where the partners are concerned about each others holistic well-being. For me, emotional security is of an utmost importance. I don't want any "surprises" that could undermine that trust and closeness. I believe in keeping promises and always aspire to be a trustworthy woman.

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What I Am Looking For
ATTENTION! Practicing bros, age 49-57! Height minimum 172 cm! I won't respond if you are too young or too short for me - don't take offense as I don't mean to offend anyone : ) PLEASE DON'T REPLY IF YOU ARE PRACTICING POLYGAMY OR MIGHT CONSIDER IT IN THE FUTURE.

I'm looking for a man who is capable of showing compassion and affection to his wife, as it should be in marriage. Someone who will be my rock - insha Allah.

A man who has a grateful heart and an optimistic attitude. Someone who is not excessively serious and remembers that we need recreation, too.

A man who is trying to obtain "husnul khuluq", beautiful character, to the best of his ability, and who loves going to mosques as I do.

A man who has the ability to talk about even difficult and uncomfortable things, if needed. It's important to have the ability to talk about one's feelings, positive or negative. Someone who's beautiful character is not manifesting only during easy times but also during hard times. Who always tries to remember that ultimately we are responsible to our Creator.

A man who has the ability to cry as it is a mercy from Allah - who doesn't try to suppress his feelings.

A man whom I can do chores with - doing things together will strengthen the relationship and prevents resentment.

The husband should be romantic and bring his wife a rose sometimes! : ) I'm looking for somebody who actually wants to spend time with his wife and won't just run off to a cafe to see his mates : ) This doesn't mean that the spouses need to be glued together - so I'm looking for a man who is able to have a healthy, trusting relationship - who's not paranoid and suspicious every time the wife goes out, subhan Allah.

I'm hoping to find somebody I could sometimes travel with, insha Allah.. And to share this beautiful deen with - to be Muslims together, supporting and helping each other - what a blessing!

All in all, I'm looking for a decent, honest and trustworthy man who keeps his promises and is committed to the relationship. An honourable human being!

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
European Union (EU)
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
As soon as possible
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
United Kingdom
Greater London
My Height
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Masters degree
Subject I Studied
Social Anthropology, Ethnomusicology
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
My Job Title
Dental Nurse
My Sect
Yes Hijab
Prefer not to say
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?